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Achilles Portal

June, 2019 - Nov, 2019

Online portal to monitor, query, and update AutoTrader's dealership websites and AWS infrastructure. The Achilles Portal is an automation and monitoring tool in regards to the 1500 websites migrated and developed by Convertus Digital for Autotrader.

Achilles Portal

Achilles Portal allows the ability to manage SSL certificates, update wordpress database plugins and options, and provides private endpoints for website analytics.

Main technology incorporated are Node, Express, MongoDB, and Vue as an in-house API for Convertus Digital. Technology used for development include Node, Express, Vue, MySQL, and AWS.

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  • Achilles Portal Login

    1. Achilles Portal Login

  • Achilles Portal Query

    2. Achilles Portal Query

  • Achilles Portal SSL Certificate

    3. Achilles Portal SSL Certificate

  • Achilles Portal Selenium

    4. Achilles Portal Selenium

  • Achilles Portal Networks

    5. Achilles Portal Networks